Saturday, August 18, 2007

Getting the RV

I had known my whole life that I wanted an RV. It has been a lifelong goal of mine to have the ability to pack up everything I own and take it with me, or at least the essentials. The ultimate back up plan, if you will.

I started looking on Craig's list and and found nothing. One day i checked it and there it was:

I called the owner Steve and he was more than helpful and it only confirmed what i already knew, I had found my new rig! I spoke to Jimmy, my business partner in , and we agreed that we could use it for business purposes (i.e. tail-gates, mobile command center, etc) to, so I now i had a plan in place and would have my home for Burning Man and other various adventures.

I spoke to my lender and got it all taken care of from finance end and I negotiated a fair price with Steve and asked him to hold the rig until I could come up to Bradenton and take a look. He kindly did so. I was up a week later. I drove up with Lola and we met Steve and his wife Martha.

An aside here: Steve and Martha are former personal trainers turned Artists and used the rig to go to art shows you can check out their work at , very neat stuff. The rig's name was Olyve and it usually pulled a jeep named Popaye, which was the screen names of Steve and Martha on aol when they met, Olyve Oil and Popaye and now they live happily ever after, and aare now my lifelong friends too.

Back to the story: Steve is meticulous in his care of Olyve had every document receipt etc, i hope to be at least 1/2 that diligent in my care of it. He knew every sound every bump every trick to it, i however did not. I was so nervous driving home i thought that maybe i shouldn't do it. I called up Jimmy and he said the choice was mine. I thought about it long and hard, placed a call to Steve and decided I was still game, that I could do it. Now we were just waiting on the lender, so with a few more weeks of delay in the financing (thanks escrow company) we had a deal set and Jimmy and I were set to head up there to take a final lesson and pick her up. We picked her up on Monday 8/13 and i drove her for the next step in the process.....

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